

Sales to outside customers increased significantly to 136,668 million yen (up 12.6% year-on-year).

Sales of "Melano CC" remained brisk thanks to strong sales of the enzyme face wash marketed under this brand. "Skin Aqua" a sunscreen product with new functions added, "Hadalabo" and "ROHTO V5 Grain" continued to perform strongly. A renewed upward trend in sales of lip balm, which had been experiencing sluggish growth due to the habit of wearing masks, took hold, too.
Domestic group companies also contributed to sales growth, including Amato Pharmaceutical Products, Ltd., which has "Borraginol®" as its main product and became a subsidiary in August 2021, and ROHTO Nitten Co., Ltd.

Segment profit (operating profit basis) increased significantly to 21,150 million yen (up 10.1% year-on-year).