
Sales by Product Segment

(Millions of yen)
Fiscal year ended Mar 31, 2022 Fiscal year ended Mar 31, 2023 Fiscal year ended Mar 31, 2024
Eye Care 43,102 48,180 53,402
Skin Care 124,055 156,657 176,816
Internal medicines 25,604 26,588 30,898
Others 6,884 7,237 9,722
Total 199,646 238,664 270,840

Notes: The Company has applied the Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition (ASBJ Statement No. 29, March 31, 2020), from the beginning of the current fiscal year, and the figures for the fiscal year ended March 2022 are after the application of the said accounting standard. The percentage changes from the same period of the previous fiscal year are not stated.