1. Basic Policy
As a basic policy on information disclosure, ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ("Company" or "we") and our group companies aim to send out corporate information, respectively, to all our stakeholders timely, fairly, accurately, and continuously. Considering it is particularly critical for the management of the Company to build a trust relationship with our shareholders and investors, we endeavor to disclose information proactively and enhance two-way communication.
Also, we believe that it is a requisite for a corporation to fulfil accountability to secure the effectiveness of corporate governance.
2. Standards for Information Disclosure
The Company discloses information under the principle of "timeliness,
fairness, accuracy, clarity, and continuity" and in conformity to
relevant laws and ordinances, such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange
Act and the Companies Act ("Laws"), as well as the "Rules
on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities"
laid down by the Tokyo Stock Exchange ("TSE") and other stock
exchanges ("Timely Disclosure Rules"). For any matter to be treated
as non-disclosure from the viewpoint of business operation, we will explicitly
explain the reason for the said non-disclosure.
Even for the information that does not fall under the material facts defined
in the Laws, if it is determined to be helpful for our shareholders and
investors, we will disclose it under the principles of "timeliness,
fairness, accuracy, clarity, and continuity", except for material
information related to the competition strategy for individual transactions
and highly confidential trade secrets.
3. Methods for Information Disclosure
The Company discloses the information that falls under the material facts defined in the Timely Disclosure Rules according to those rules, through the Timely Disclosure Network (TD net) provided by the TSE, along with the explanation thereof to TSE. The Company also discloses the information according to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act through the Electronic Disclosure for Investors' Network of the disclosure documents such as securities reports (EDINET) provided by the Financial Services Agency. Besides, for the information that is deemed to affect investment decisions, we will promptly disclose them, depending on its importance and urgency, as necessary, by issuing a press release, having a press conference or an explanatory session or similar method. Promptly after disclosing the information according to paragraphs 1. and 2. above, we will also publish the same on our website ("Website").
For the Website, we will enhance the subsite of "Investor Relations" and send out the information appropriately to various media. Also, through different methods for information transmission, such as explanatory sessions and printed materials, we will endeavor to disclose information to all the shareholders and investors in an easy-to-access environment and easy-to-comprehend manner.
4. Quiet Period
To prevent the leak of unannounced financial results-related information
and ensure the fairness of disclosure, the Company has several weeks from
the day after each quarterly closing until the day of the financial result
announcement as "Quiet Period". During that period, we refrain
from responding and making comments on inquiries related to our financial
results and similar information. Provided, however, if a large discrepancy
from the projected business results is found, which is required to disclose
under the Timely Disclosure Rules, we will disclose the information appropriately
by issuing a press release or another method.
5. Disclaimer
All disclosure information (including those provided on the Website), other
than historical facts, represents forward-looking statements based on the
Company's assumption in light of the information currently available; thus,
involves risks and uncertainties related to the economic climate, market
trend, and changes in taxation and other systems. Therefore, please understand
that the actual business results and additional information disclosed in
the future may differ from the forecasts for those various reasons.
All disclosure information (including those provided on the Website) intends
to provide information for the understanding of the Company's business
activities, management policy, business plan, financial condition and other
situations, and no content is disclosed to solicit investing into the Company.
Please make investment decisions at your responsibility.