Rohto's medium is Animal Origin Free (AOF) serum-free medium.

Media used for cell culture can be broadly classified into two categories: serum-containing media and serum-free media. Among serum-free culture media, xeno-free culture media do not contain any components derived from different species of animals, but Rohto's culture media are animal origin–free (AOF) media, which are confirmed to contain no animal-* or human-derived components.

The definition of animal includes the entire animal kingdom (including vertebrates and invertebrates, but excluding protozoa).

Animal- and human-derived component–free medium (AOF medium)

The reason why Rohto Pharmaceutical developed the “AOF medium”

We want to share this technology originated from the development by Rohto Pharmaceutical with as many people as possible

In 2013, Rohto Pharmaceutical made a full-scale entry into the field of regenerative medicine, and in collaboration with universities, is conducting clinical trials for the treatment of liver cirrhosis, severe heart failure, and other conditions.

To start a clinical trial, the cell culture media must meet strict regulations to ensure patient safety. Our pursuit of patient safety led us to the development of the “AOF medium ” that does not use raw materials of animal and human origin.

We at Rohto Pharmaceutical hope that more people will be able to use this technology, originated from our development of regenerative medicine.

Difference between serum-containing medium and serum-free medium

What is Serum-containing medium?

Serum is an ingredient extracted from human or animal blood.

Generally, bovine-derived or human-derived serum is added to the medium when cells are cultured. These media are called serum-containing media.

What is Serum-free medium?

Serum-free medium refers to a medium in which serum is not added during cell culture.

  • Performance difference between lots is unlikely to occur.
  • Reduces the risk of thrombosis, infection with pathogens, and immunogenicity.


  • R:STEM®

    AOF medium for culturing mesenchymal stem cells
    R:STEM® Product name: R:STEM Medium for hMSC High Growth(Ref. No. EM1-500)

    • Obtained FIRM Mark certification based on ISO 20399 as an applicable standard
    • Obtained qualification certificate for materials of regenerative, cellular, and gene therapy products
    • Serum-free media free of animal- and human-derived ingredients
    • Primary culture capability
    • Excellent culture performance of hMSCs (adipose derived and umbilical cord derived)
    • Small lot-to-lot difference
    • EVs content in the medium is below the detection limit
    • Antibiotics free
    • Ready-to-use medium for immediate use after thawing
  • StemNavi™

    AOF medium for production of exosomes/extracellular vesicles (EVs)
    StemNavi™ Product name: hMSC expansion AOF w/o Phenol Red( Ref. No. RS1-500)

    • Avoidance of the risk of infection by serum-free medium that is free of raw materials of human/animal origin
    • Phenol red free
    • Small lot-to-lot difference
    • EV content in the medium is below the detection limit
    • Antibiotics free
    • Ready-to-use medium for immediate use after thawing
    • Promotes the production abilities of adipose-derived and umbilical-cord-derived Evs
    • Promotes the production abilities of HGF by adipose-derived and umbilical-cord-derived hMSCs

Realization of five “Reductions”

  1. Reduction in the risk of viruses caused by the use of serum

  2. Reduction in the risk of changes in cell characteristics caused by EVs

  3. Reduction in cellular toxicity, including reduced cell proliferative capacity

  4. Reduction in the time required for lot checks

  5. Reduction in the time and effort of pretreatments such as addition of supplements

Thorough quality control of each process in manufacturing

  1. Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.'s sterile drug product manufacturing technology

  2. Manufacturing control in accordance with pharmaceutical manufacturing

  3. Conforming to the Standards for Biological Ingredients (obtained the qualification certificate for materials of regenerative, cellular, and gene therapy products)* 

  4. FIRM Mark certification based on ISO 20399 as an applicable standard (Certification number: CAM-0001)*

R:STEM Medium for hMSC High Growth