
Commitment to Safety

In compliance with the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices, GVP Ministerial Ordinance*, and other regulations, and covering all information from our customers and patients, as well as from academic societies and overseas, we regularly check and evaluate whether our products are safe and being used correctly. In cases when it is considered necessary to alert the public about safety or usage, we will revise the Precautions and other information as well as communicate the information to the public. Recently, we have revised our response flow to include the opinions of medical specialists so that we can detect and respond to safety issues at an early stage with greater precision. These efforts have enabled us to further ensure the safety of our customers and patients. We will continue to strengthen our safety initiatives.

* Good Vigilance Practice (GVP) Ministerial Ordinance: A law to ensure that companies properly implement safety measures.