
Sustainability Promotion System

The Sustainability Committee was established in September 2021 as an advisory committee to the Board of Directors to promote sustainability measures. The Committee is chaired by the Executive Vice President (CFO and in charge of ESG), with the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) as a member and an Outside Audit & Supervisory Board member as an observer. The Corporate Planning Department and the Public Relations & Creating Shared Value Division serve as the secretariat for discussions on ESG, SDGs and other sustainability-related issues, policies and measures. The Committee formulates countermeasure policies and action plans for the identified issues, and monitors and evaluates progress. The deliberations of the Committee are reported and suggested to the Board of Directors as appropriate, and particularly important matters are discussed and resolved by the Board of Directors. In addition, we established the ESH Management Promotion Office, a dedicated department for promoting ESG-related initiatives, within the Public Relations & Creating Shared Value Division in a reorganization in March 2022, thereby creating a practical promotion system.