
Stakeholder Engagement

Based on our management philosophy, values and code of conduct (seven pledges), various policies, etc., we cooperate with all stakeholders, including consumers, business partners, employees, shareholders/investors, and local communities. We strive to realize well-being. We will fulfill our social responsibilities toward the realization of a vibrant society and strive to improve our corporate value.

Profit Share Policy

As a company that is a "Public entity of society", we believe that our company is supported by various stakeholders such as employees, their families, business partners (suppliers/sales destinations), consumers/future generations, the country/local communities, and shareholders.
Management team takes a long-term perspective, cooperates with everyone involved in solving social issues, and declares that the benefits obtained from this will be widely shared, which is stipulated in the management philosophy.
We will reinvest profits earned from sound businesses to realize a sound and sound society.
We will also appropriately distribute and return profits to our stakeholders who support us from a long-term perspective.

Customers, Consumers and Future Generations

We will contribute to mental and physical health by offering high-quality products and services at fair prices.
We will also help improve people’s well-being by sharing knowledge and engaging in health promotion activities.

Business Partners

By increasing our sales steadily, we will contribute to not only the earnings growth of our business partners, but also their creation of employment opportunities.

Employees and Their Family

We will reward our employees and their families appropriately through remuneration, benefits, and training by creating jobs based on steady growth in sales and profits.
We will also support the physical and mental health of our employees and their families through the promotion of health and productivity management.

Shareholders and Investors

We will take a long-term perspective and strive to increase our corporate value in a stable and sustainable manner by becoming a company that truly contributes to society.
We will pay dividends that reflect business performance while aiming for a dividend payout ratio of 25%.

Local Communities

We will pay taxes on profits generated by our business activities and fulfill our social responsibilities.
We will also contribute to the revitalization of local communities and the creation of a society with well-being through our business activities and social contribution activities.

Environment (global society)

We will work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve resources and the environment, build a resource recycling-based society, and take other environmental considerations into account.

Communication with Stakeholders

Customers, Consumers and Future Generations

The ROHTO Group aims to contribute to Well-being of everyone by delivering "healthy" products/services to people worldwide. We recognize that our important role is not only to provide high-quality products and services at reasonable prices, but also to deliver safe and secure products, but also to disseminate information that supports "health."
The Customer Security Support Desk, which accepts customer inquiries about products, listens sincerely to each and every customer's opinions and inquiries, analyzes the details, and shares them promptly with management. It also discusses and examines issues and improvement methods with the Planning and Development Division, and leads to the development of new products and services. We also provide mental and physical health-related information and a variety of experiences through our WEB websites, events, and information magazines.

Communication with Customers

Business Partners

As a partner that aims to grow together to contribute to Well-being of people worldwide, we comply with laws and regulations and conduct fair and transparent transactions.
Based on the ROHTO Basic Policy on Pharmaceutical Procurement and CSR Procurement Guidelines, we seek the understanding and cooperation of our suppliers through daily procurement activities, and we strive to build a sustainable supply chain.
In addition, we are making environmental improvements by adopting environmentally friendly packaging materials and raw materials through dialogue with suppliers, by shifting to more environmentally friendly transportation methods, and by promoting recycling and ethical consumption through dialogue with retailers and wholesalers.

Collaboration with Suppliers

Employees and Their Family

In order for the ROHTO Group to contribute to the realization of a Well-being society and to grow sustainably as a company, it is essential that each and every employee, who is a leader in this regard, play an active role and grow.
In addition to fostering an organizational culture that supports employee growth and promotes diversity and inclusion, and providing support for individual career development and learning, we create an organization that makes the most of individual employees by offering opportunities for direct dialogue, such as feedforward interviews with management, as well as through annual vision sheets and employee engagement surveys (Well-being points). In addition, we use in-house magazines, in-house portal sites and videos to encourage understanding and penetration of management and organizational information. We are also working to stimulate communication by sharing internal activities. Through dialogue with labor-management councils and other bodies, mutual understanding of the working environment is also deepened. For internal and external reporting and consultation, we have established the Roht Group Hotline to respond appropriately under privacy protection.

Human Resources and Working Environment Initiatives

Shareholders and Investors

For shareholders and investors who have high expectations for the ROHTO Group's management and business, we aim to expand shareholder returns by striving to increase stable and sustainable corporate value by becoming a company that can truly contribute to society from a long-term perspective.
We hold general meetings of shareholders, financial results briefings and dialogues for institutional investors and analysts, corporate briefings and events for individual investors, and strive to disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner through our Web website and various reports. The feedback we receive is used to improve management and IR activities.

IR data

Local Communities

The ROHTO Group, which operates globally, strives to build relationals with each region by communicating with each other in order to contribute to Well-being of each region. We understand the health issues that exist in the community and the impact of our business activities on the local community, and support activities that meet the needs of the local community.

Realization of Well-being


As a member of the group that utilizes this beautiful global resource and engages in activities together, we will accurately grasp the environmental impact generated by our activities and present and accomplish initiatives to reduce the future environmental impact.

Toward a Sustainable Global Environment