ROHTO Human Rights Policy
With the aim to realize a society with well-being, we are expanding our business activities not only in Japan but also throughout the world, and respect for human rights is the foundation of all our business activities. We recognize that we may directly or indirectly affect human rights in the process of conducting our business. We support and respect international norms related to human rights, such as the United Nations’ International Bill of Human Rights*, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and conventions related to workers’ rights, including wages and working hours. We uphold the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as its signatory company and support the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and will implement initiatives based on these principles. We will also comply with the laws and regulations applicable in each country or region where we conduct our business activities. In the event of a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of a country or region, we will pursue measures that respect international human rights principles.
* The International Bill of Human Rights is the collective name for the following three documents: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its treaties, namely the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
1. Coverage of Policy
This human rights policy (“Policy”) applies to all ROHTO’s officers and employees.
*“Employees” means all persons with a relationship with ROHTO and temporary workers under the worker dispatch contract.
2. Especially material issues for human rights
ROHTO acknowledges that addressing the following human rights issues relating to our business activities is of importance in fulfilling our social responsibility to respect human rights.
Prohibition of discrimination and harassment
To respect the dignity and basic human rights of all our stakeholders
Not to allow any discrimination and harassment based on personal attributes and factors (including race, ethics, age, religion, belief, gender, nationality, social status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical features, and disease)
To respect diversity and strive to ensure equal opportunity
Assurance of Workers Rights
To prohibit child labor, forced labor (including trade in humans, such as enslaved people)
To guarantee freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Not to allow low-wage labor (with pays below the minimum wage or living wage) and prevent long working hours
To assure occupational safety and health (including workers’ health, physically and mentally)
Respect for Privacy
To respect the privacy of employees, customers, and other persons concerned, including the protection of their personal information
3. Human Rights Due Diligence
To identify, prevent or mitigate negative impacts caused by human rights violations and take appropriate and effective remedial measures, we strive to build a structure to conduct human rights due diligence and continuously implement the program.
4. Dialogue and Consultation
If any case is revealed to have caused or is likely to cause negative impacts on human rights during our business activities, we will have dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders continuously and facilitate our efforts to respect human rights.
5. Contact for Complaints and Reports
ROHTO Group has the “ROHTO Hotline” desk to receive complaints and whistle-blowing reports relating to human rights. In addition, we are preparing to set up a separate contact desk for outside stakeholders, who can report any action or behavior that violates or is likely to violate this policy.
6. Remedial Measures
If any case is revealed to have caused or contributed to negative impacts on human rights, we will take appropriate and effective remedial measures.
7. Education and Training
We offer appropriate education and training to all the officers and employees to embody this policy in all our business activities to effectively materialize it.
8. Information Disclosure
We disclose information relating to human rights, such as the progress and results of our efforts to respect human rights, on various reports and our websites.
Approved by the Board of Directors of ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. on September 26, 2022.
Efforts in Respect for Human Rights
In CSR Charter, our Group declares our respect for human rights, and in the ROHTO CSR Action Guidelines, we show that we respect the human rights of our employees and business partners, and strive to fulfill our responsibilities as a member of society.In 2022, we established the ROHTO Pharmaceutical Human Rights Policy to ensure that all employees are familiar with the policy.
We strive to conduct business transactions with suppliers in accordance with the Supplier CSR Guidelines. We also strive to carry out sustainable procurement that takes human rights into account.
Human Rights Consultation and Reporting Desk
For employees (including non-regular employees, etc.), we have set up a "Lot Hotline" outside the company for consultation on human rights and compliance. This system protects the privacy of consultants and ensures that they are not treated adversely. In addition, the ROHTO Hotline is authorized to be arbitrated by an outside lawyer. The Customer Support Center accepts customer opinions internally. We guarantee confidentiality and anonymity so that whistleblowers do not suffer any disadvantage. In the event of a negative impact on human rights, we will promptly take measures to relieve the affected people. The content of these consultations, responses, and the number of inquiries are reported regularly to the Board of Directors. In January 2022, we expanded the ROHTO Hotline to include 10 group companies, making it the ROHTO Group Hotline.
Whistleblowing System
Participation in external initiatives on human rights
We express our support for the "Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact."As a member of a global society, we will promote initiatives for the development of a sustainable society by supporting and putting into practice the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact covering the four areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations.
The United Nations Global Compact