
Recycling-oriented Society

We believe that “the health of our planet is essential for the health of people,” and in order to make effective use of limited natural capital, we not only use environmentally friendly ingredients and materials, but also actively work to reduce the amount of waste after use by our customers. While paying close attention to customer needs and ease of use, we are switching to environmentally friendly materials and displaying the “R-eco” symbol on applicable products.

Reducing Plastic Usage

The excessive use and inappropriate disposal of plastics are also associated with a variety of environmental issues, including global warming caused by CO2 emissions throughout the life cycle and the impact on biodiversity of marine plastic waste.
As a company that manufactures and sells products made from plastics, we will continue to develop environmentally friendly products.

Reducing Plastic Usage

①Proposal for refill pouches

In 2005, the Hada Labo series launched refills, and since then, we have actively adopted refills in new brands. This has led to a reduction of more than 1,100 tons of plastic per year.

②Proposal of replacement containers

For products in cream dosage forms that are difficult to refill, containers that can be replaced and used are adopted.
Ovaji X-Darma Advanced Drift, released in September 2022, achieved a 91% reduction in plastic usage compared to the main body.

③Lightweight containers

Reduced thickness and weight while maintaining bottle strength.
Not only the amount of plastic used, but also the energy consumed in production and transportation can be reduced, leading to a reduction in environmental impact.
With ROHTO C CUBE SOFT ONE, we have achieved a 30% reduction compared to the conventional product.

④Reduction of container labels

With the ROHTO C Cube Series, we were able to reduce the amount of label plastic by 50% of the conventional product by minimizing the label on the container.

⑤Reducing eye-catching stickers

Since 2021, we have been gradually eliminating plastic eye-catching stickers attached to our products in an effort to reduce the amount of plastic used. In fiscal 2022, our Acnes products ceased to use eye-catching stickers and, instead, started to print the information directly on the product containers.

⑥Elimination of portable eye drops bags

Taking into account quality and other factors, we have abolished the packing of plastic bags for compatible eye medication products.

⑦Reducing blister packs

We have also been simplifying product packaging with consideration for the environment. In 2022, we ceased to use blister packs for the De Ou deodorants. This has made waste sorting easier for customers, and enabled us to cut back on the use of plastic and paper.

⑧Simplifying and eliminating packaging materials

Film wrapping used for bundling several small packaging boxes of eye drops was replaced with film bands, reducing the film usage.

For the SKIO series, we used a bubble wrap bag, a combination of external packaging and cushioning material, and realized more eco-friendly ethical packaging. However, to further pursue the reduction of plastic usage, we have abolished a bubble wrap bag and switched to a packaging box that uses recycled paper for some items.

Use of materials with low environmental impact

①Use of biomass materials

We are gradually switching the material for bottles and pouches to “biomass plastic” made from plantderived biomass.
In fiscal 2023, for the Hada Labo Goku-jyun Premium series, we switched shrink packaging and skin cream containers to biomass plastic materials.

②Adoption of mechanical recycled PET

We are gradually switching the material for bottles, pouches, and blisters to “mechanical recycled PET” made from recycled used PET bottles.

③Using pallets upcycled from ocean waste

In an effort to reduce the environmental impact of our logistics operations, we introduced plastic pallets made in part from ocean-bound plastic (OBP)* to store, load, and unload products at our distribution centers. Those pallets have been progressively put into use since August 2022.

Reducing Waste

The excessive use and inappropriate disposal of plastics are also associated with a variety of environmental issues, including global warming caused by CO2 emissions throughout the life cycle and the impact on biodiversity of marine plastic waste.
As a company that manufactures and sells products made from plastics, we will continue to develop environmentally friendly products.

Initiatives at Plants - Recycling Waste -

Rather than discarding the waste generated by our business activities, we aim to recycle it and return it to society. To this end, we are thoroughly separating waste and promoting the conversion of waste plastics, wastepaper, and scrap iron into valuable resources.
We also select environmentally conscious and excellent waste disposal companies to confirm their appropriate treatment.
In order to reduce the amount of paper discarded in offices, we are using online conferences to reduce the amount of paper used, and promoting the digitization of documents.

Product Initiatives

We are also striving to reduce the amount of waste after delivery to customers by reusing containers through replacements and refills, reducing the amount of plastic used, and describing the packaging documents on the back of the boxes.

Reducing Plastic Usage

Elimination of enclosed separate package inserts

By printing the necessary package inserts for OTC medicines on the inside of the paper box, we have reduced the amount of paper used for the package inserts that used to be enclosed, as well as the amount of paper discarded. This initiative has progressively been introduced to certain eye drops and dermal medicines.
In fiscal 2023, we newly employed that method to the Acnes series.

Reduction of packing materials

We reviewed ways of packing for transportation, as a result of which some products that were put into inner boxes are now packed using cardboard dividers.

Initiatives with Retailers

LOHACO by ASKUL “Go Ethical”: Sale of Older Products Left Behind by Product Updates
Since July 2020, we have been participating in Go Ethical, an initiative that aims to reduce loss from product wastage in the popular “OUTLET” section of the “LOHACO by ASKUL”, an online shopping platform for general consumers run by ASKUL Corporation. We are reducing loss from product wastage for products that would previously have been destined for disposal* but that present no quality defects, by reselling them in the outlet section. Initiatives with Retailers Ethical consumption.
*Unopened, discontinued products returned from distributors and wholesalers.

Water resource management

Water Resources Protection Policy

Our business activities require a certain amount of water. We recognize that effective use of water resources is closely related to water resources, and based on our recognition that it is our social responsibility, we will engage in environmental conservation activities, such as effective use of water resources from the entire business, reduction of water consumption, and prevention of water pollution, in accordance with our Basic Environmental Policy.

Efficient use of water Our main plant, the Ueno Plant, uses groundwater.

Water consumption

The wastewater generated in the groundwater refining process is reprocessed and recycled in an effort to efficiently use our precious water resources.

ESG Data (Environment)

Reduction of water usage

Water use is essential to our products themselves, and water use will increase as production volume increases. Water is also required for washing and other production processes to maintain quality. We are working to effectively reduce the amount of water used so that we can minimize environmental impact as much as possible while maintaining product quality. In addition to water usage at our plants, we are also working to control water consumption in flushing of toilets and hand washing in offices.

Improvement of wastewater quality.

Through regular daily monitoring and adjustments, we strive to reduce the impacts caused by wastewater discharge.