Approach to Environmental Conservation
It is our duty to protect the global environment and pass it on to the next generation.
In 2005, The company established its Environmental Policy, and through its corporate activities, it is working to prevent and continuously improve the pollution of the local and global environment.
In particular, we understand that reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) to prevent global warming is a challenge for society as a whole, and take various steps to reduce the environmental impact of energy conservation, transportation, and other transportation in offices and plants.
In order to achieve these reduction targets, we established the "Basic Guidelines for Company-wide Energy Management" in 2011 and are promoting it company-wide.
In March 2018, we signed the United Nations Global Compact and were registered as a participating company.
We will respond more seriously than ever to the three principles of environmental issues: a precautionary approach to environmental issues, an initiative to environmental responsibility, and the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies, and aim to realize the sustainable development of society through collaboration with domestic and overseas suppliers.
Environment Policy
Environment Policy
- Assessing environmental impacts brought about by our business activities, products, and services, setting environmental objectives and goals, and establishing environmental management system, ROHTO will regularly examine that system to update and improve it constantly.
- ROHTO will take initiatives to protect the environment, abiding by applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, regional agreements, and other guidelines.
- ROHTO will facilitate the efficient utilization of limited resources and energy.
- ROHTO will facilitate the proper management and the reduction of chemical substances that affect the environment.
- ROHTO will facilitate the reduction and recycling of waste.
- ROHTO will advance with the introduction of novel environmental technology to prevent pollution and continuously improve the environment.
- ROHTO will strive to develop products that reduce the environmental burden at each process, from design, formulation, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, and use to disposal.
- ROHTO will continuously promote environmental education for all our officers and employees to enhance their understanding and appreciation of pollution prevention and environmental conservation.
- As a member of local society, ROHTO will proactively join in regional activities for environmental conservation to pursue co-existence with local communities.
- This Environmental Policy is documented and publicly announced, and ROHTO will keep all the officers and employees informed about the policy.
Basic Guidelines for Company-wide Energy Management
- ROHTO will set a goal to reduce the “energy consumption intensity” or “intensity to be evaluated for electricity demand optimization” by at least one (1) percent per year as an average rate from a medium-to-long-term perspective.
- ROHTO will facilitate the conversion into non-fossil energy and the utilization of renewable energy.
- ROHTO will facilitate the operation of eco-conscious facilities to save energy, extend the lifespan of equipment, and co-existence with the global environment.
- Each employee will tackle energy issues (as above) in everyday tasks with support from their managers or supervisors and technical backup from the relevant units or departments.
- In addition to the individual effort above (3), ROHTO will maintain and enhance the energy-saving measures in a planned and continuous manner, for example, by replacing out-of-date facilities, introducing updated technology, and examining the operation control system (for efficient operation of facilities and equipment).
- ROHTO strives to reduce energy, abiding by laws and regulations on energy and respecting various requirements from relevant economic and industry organizations.
- ROHTO will not ask for our employees’ patience but to avoid waste.
Legal Compliance
In fiscal 2023, we committed zero violations of environmental laws and regulations and fines.
There were also no environmental litigation cases.
Our plants and laboratories are considered to be at high environmental risk.
We prevent environmental pollution from disasters and accidents, prepare for and respond to emergencies, and maintain and maintain related facilities.
In fiscal 2023, there were zero environmental accidents that had a major impact on the surrounding environment.
Participation in external environmental initiatives