
Low-carbon Society

We consider addressing climate change to be a top priority issue, and recognize that reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in order to prevent global warming is a world-wide concern. Accordingly, we have been implementing a variety of initiatives in areas including energy conservation in our offices, plants, and other sites, and the reduction of environmental impact in sectors such as business travel and transportation. We have reviewed our CO2 emission targets and are promoting activities with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions from Scope 1 and 2 by 46% (compared to fiscal 2013 levels) by 2030. In fiscal 2022, we achieved a 17% reduction. In addition, we began calculating emissions for Scope 3 in fiscal 2021. We will continue to promote Company-wide efforts to reduce emissions.

Set Targets

  • Reduce total Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 46% in fiscal 2030 compared to fiscal 2013
  • Interim target of a 30% reduction in fiscal 2025 compared to fiscal 2013

Reduction: Scope 1 and 2

We have been working toward our goal of reducing CO2 emissions from Scope 1 and 2 by 46% (compared to fiscal 2013 levels) by 2030.

    Initiatives to Reduce CO2

  • Purchase of CO2-free electricity Purchase electricity generated from renewable energy sources that do not generate CO2, such as hydroelectric, wind, and solar power, and reduce CO2 emissions from purchased electricity consumption by 27.6% by fiscal 2030
  • Installation of solar power generation equipment in the new building at the Ueno Plant Install solar power generation equipment in fiscal 2023 and 2024 in line with operating conditions, and reduce CO2 emissions from power generation and purchased electricity consumption by 1 to 2% annually, combined with existing emissions
  • Preservation and operational improvement, waste heat utilization, energy conversion Reduce energy consumption by at least 1% per year by fiscal 2030

Reduction: Scope 3

We started calculating Scope 3 from fiscal 2021 and has grasped CO2 emissions throughout the supply chain. Since Scope 3 emissions account for 93.7% of total CO2 emissions, we take the importance of reducing emissions seriously, and will further strengthen and promote company-wide initiatives together with our suppliers.

FY2022 CO2 emissions by Scope

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 3

*If the right edge of the table is cut off, scroll horizontally to check.
Category Emissions
Category 1 Purchased goods and services 170.7 88.0%
Category 2 Capital goods 5.9 3.0%
Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2) 3.1 1.6%
Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution 5.0 2.6%
Category 5 Waste generated in operations 0.2 0.1%
Category 6 Business travel 2.0 1.0%
Category 7 Employee commuting 1.2 0.6%
Category 8 Upstream leased assets 0.5 0.3%
Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution 1.2 0.6%
Category 10 Processing of sold products - -
Category 11 Use of sold products - -
Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 4.1 2.1%
Category 13 Downstream leased assets 0.0 0.0%
Category 14 Franchises - -
Category 15 Investments - -
Scope 3 Total 193.9 100.0%
ESG Data (Environment)

Our Initiatives

Initiatives at Plants

Initiatives at the Ueno Techno Center

We have introduced a cogeneration system to reduce the amount of electricity purchased at the time of maximum demand and to effectively use waste heat for air conditioning and other purposes.
Our goal is to reduce the amount of purchased electricity by 40% during times of maximum demand.

Initiatives at the Osaka Plant

Solar panels are installed on the roof of the Head Office to supply 80,000Kwh electricity annually.

We will construct a new plant "Smart Plant that is friendly to human beings and the environment" (News Release)

Initiatives in logistics

Amid the concern for a logistics crisis caused by driver shortages and soaring fuel prices, we implemented an initiative with one of our business partners, PALTAC CORPORATION, to not only reduce the environmental burden but also to promote the well-being of drivers by improving delivery efficiency. Since our products are mostly pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, they tend to be relatively small in size and each delivery tends to be a small quantity of a variety of products. Therefore, we are promoting initiatives such as bulk deliveries and ordering by pallet tiers. This has reduced the loading and unloading work that used to burden the drivers, and changing the delivery time enabled the reduction of waiting times at the delivery and pickup locations. The modal shift has led to a reduction in CO2 emissions as well as improved long-distance transportation for drivers. Going forward, we will continue to cooperate with our business partners to improve efficiency and environmental friendliness.

To reduce loading and unloading time

Change from bulk loading to pallet loading, loading time to 1/8, and loading and unloading work to 1/4 or less

To reduce driver standby time

Changing the delivery time to the afternoon makes the waiting time zero

Modal shift

Implementing a modal shift using trailers to reduce the distance traveled by land to one-fourth

Initiatives at Offices

We introduce casual fridays every Friday and cool biz during the summer season to save energy in our offices and reduce CO2 emissions.

Efforts Related to Sales Activities

We use our sales vehicles for the purpose of having our sales representatives visit our business partners. In order to reduce CO2 emissions from sales vehicles, we are reducing the number of vehicles used and switching to vehicles with lower environmental impact, such as hybrids. We began introducing hybrid vehicles in 2003, and now all sales vehicles are being replaced with hybrid vehicles, contributing to a reduction in CO2 emissions.